He’s sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen?
- Errr…sume2 advertisement…dier suker tgk ad psl byk lagu, motion n colors..
You’re out to eat; what kind of dressing does he get on his salad?
- Dia xsuka salad
What’s one food he doesn’t like?
- Porridge
You go out to eat and have a drink. What does he order?
- Xorder pun…I’ll give him his formula, plain water or green tea..mamat nih sker gile green tea
Where did he go to high school?
- Not any list that I know..
What size shoes does he wear?
- erm currently 4
If he was to collect anything, what would it be?
- He did not establish fix collection yet..(not yet)
What is his favorite type of sandwich?
- Plain Gardenia..no filling….
What would this person eat every day if he could?
What is his favorite cereal?
- Fruity Oat
What would he never wear?
- Lipstick?
What is his favorite sports team?
- Not in any list that I know (yet)
Who did he vote for?
- Mummy!!!!!
Who is his best friend?
- er…xsure name die..
What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn’t do?
- Scolding him?
What is his heritage?
- Cute n adorable face from mummy? hehehehe
What is his favourite colour?
- Red
What is his habit?
- ngopek?
What is he proud of?
- His brain I think…
Lastly, do you think he will read this?
- Soooooooon……
(Muahahahaha…ni bukan Husband aku daaaa…Ni Hail Uwaiz…my son..my other half)
4wrd this 2 your friends
Kak Ida
6 concerns:
no wonder le kaki size 4..
(aku rase laki ko 'sihat' takkan size 4...ekekekekeekkeee)
Hohohohohoho... Hampeh ko kak
tu pasal la, memula aku baca, takkan la asben eza size 4!!
Aku yang pendek ni pun size 5..hihihi, suspen la ko eza...
Wakakakaka....size UK4 utk toddler daaaaa (xsure gak senanye..baru refer kat kotak kasut die smlm..hahaha)
tekejut aku laki ko kuat ngopek.ekekekeke.
sori, terlucah sebentar.
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